ZipDebt Client Comment Forum (2007-2019)
This post is intended to provide a forum for ZipDebt clients to post comments about their experience with the program. Recently, I spoke to a person interested in my program, and they told me that they didn’t bother to read any of the testimonials on my site because “everybody fakes testimonials.” Well, that’s probably true…
Why FREE Debt Settlement Advice Can Often Be the Most Expensive
Virtually every single debt relief company offers a “free consultation” where you can call a toll-free number and speak with a counselor about your situation. Depending on whether you’re seeking debt settlement advice or information about credit counseling, there may be different titles for this position, such as “debt counselor,” “certified debt consultant,” or “senior…
ZipDebt Clients Enjoy Great Results! Success Tracking Update, 2006 through 2012
In July 2010, I published “Debt Settlement Done Right,” which included ZipDebt’s success tracking statistics for the period 2006-2009. As far as I know, I was one of the first in this industry to publish actual data on my results. Today, it’s still quite rare to see a debt settlement firm publish transparent information about…
Why Consumers Should Hire A Debt Coach Before Negotiating With Collection Agencies
I’ve been involved with debt settlement since 1997, far longer than most people working in this industry. Yet I still have to shake my head in amazement at some of the idiotic stuff debt collectors say. Now, just to be 100% clear, I have nothing against creditors hiring agencies to collect on their delinquent accounts,…