ZipDebt Client Comment Forum (2007-2019)
This post is intended to provide a forum for ZipDebt clients to post comments about their experience with the program. Recently, I spoke to a person interested in my program, and they told me that they didn’t bother to read any of the testimonials on my site because “everybody fakes testimonials.” Well, that’s probably true…
Contact Info
Charles J. Phelan Manchester Publishing Company 1835 S. Centre City Pkwy Suite A-507 Escondido CA 92025 Telephone: (866) 515-2360 Website: Email: [email protected]
Credit Card Debt Crunch — Consumers Face a Triple Squeeze Play
Let’s call 2006 the year of the triple squeeze play against the indebted American consumer. With consumer debt at an all-time high, are things getting easier for people? Are there more options available for dealing with problem debt? No. It’s exactly the opposite. At a time when people most need help, they face a tougher…
Debt Settlement vs. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Under the new bankruptcy rules, a lot more people will be forced into Chapter 13 bankruptcy versus the preferred Chapter 7. The major difference, of course, is that Chapter 13 represents the worst of both worlds. You get the giant B-word tattooed to your forehead (well, your credit report anyway, which amounts to the same…